– Happy Valentine’s Day!
– The Kickstarter is so close to being funded! We’re at 85%, with less than $2000 to go. I’m hoping we can make it to our goal by the end of the day. There’s still two guest appearance spots open, plus lots of other great rewards like Medusa lunch boxes and plush pillows, posters, original art and more. Please check out the Kickstarter page!
– Jaymz just launched a kickstarter for the graphic novel collection of her romance webcomic Split Screen. Oh by the way, Split Screen ended yesterday, so you can read the whole thing online right now for free! You’ll remember Jaymz all the guest Medusa strips and art she did this past year. Anyway, her comic is great and she could totally use your support. Please check out her Kickstarter page! Oh, and since Split Screen is now ending lets try to get it in the Top Webcomics top 100 by the end of the month! Vote here. It only takes a few seconds. Split Screen was at 500 and something yesterday and now is closing in on 400! We can do this!
Sometimes I forget she doesn’t have legs.
Yeah. Unicorn riding confuses.
Turn a heart upside down and what does it look like? A butt.
Modest could have written on the valentine so that it would have to be held upside-down to be read…
are the
here – this looks
like a butt, and you
couldn’t help touching it!
Love, Modest
Butt cheekS You toucheD!
How sweet, but that’s not how you tell somebody you want to touch their butt more.
Butt toucher. Definitely a butt toucher. They all deny it.
that is the most horrifying valentine I have ever seen : )
I’m not a butt toucher, I’m a butt kicker!
Nuh-uh, you need feet to be a butt kicker.
Ow. You win.
– Okay, then I’m gonna whip your ass! *whiplash*
Alternatively alternatively:
– No I don’t – not to kick your butt at Snakes and Ladders!
– That rule about snake-bodied players being able to go up the snakes and the ladders doesn’t exist! You made it up!
Hahahaha! Oh this one made me chortle very much. Good one, Jake.
AND YET, did you know that the commonly used heart symbol was modeled after a woman’s butt? Still a butt toucher. =P
Considering MM has a hard time getting enough votes to even break into the top 90 of TWC, bringing your friend’s comic up to that level will be hard.
It’ll be a challenge, but Split Screen has jumped from like 520 to about 300 in just two days. I think it can be done.
Except that if you turn that paper cut out upside-down… what does it look like, Modest?
Also, completely unrelated, I have finally joined the ranks of those with Pokemon Gen 6 games. I got Y (because without that chromosome, I’d be a girl!! 😛 ). So far it has been rather fun. My brother traded me some “starter” pokemon, not all were actual starters (did give me a Jolly-Dragon Dance/Aqua Jet/Crunch Totadile tho’). He’s been holding on to my swath of legendaries on his Cloud Nine bank thingie. Gave me a spanish ditto and my adorably stupid, possibly comic-worthy Gardevoir, Mint (lvl: 96), since I’m gunning for Competative play this generation, I’m gonna attempt to make a powerhouse team. I’ll collect on my legendaries later.
Gonna hopefully be fun, as I just started college a few weeks back and so many people play pokemon there! Wish me luck, I’ve skipped a generation into this one (I only ever seem to enjoy even numbered generations!)
So if you play a gen 6, Jake, lemme know if you’d like to add me! (Granted I haven’t really given much reason or incentive to, still… :/ )
Ha, it looks like you’re already doing better than I am. I just got past the 3rd Gym Leader and all my Pokemon suck!
Right now I’m distracted by Bravely Default, but I’ll come back to Pokemon X/Y eventually. I’ll also share my friend code one of these days.