Posted In: comic
The Modest Medusa Season 3 Kickstarter is going great! We’re at 70% funded already, with about $3500 to go! Thanks everyone!
I introduced some new Reward Levels to the Kickstarter over the weekend. Including some new Guest Appearance slots (which may already be gone by the time you read this, sorry!) and some bundles of rewards from lower levels. Check it out!
Here’s the art for the 2nd of the stickers that everyone who pledges at least $5 gets. I’ve been really digging X-Men this year, so here’s Medusa cosplaying as Cyclops!
At least she isn’t a butt-muncher.
Should we be worried tha this is only part 1 of butt-toucher?
I’m equal parts intrigued and horrified
It might just be that Jake’s butt is so different from hers. Next she goes for the legs.
And then, the toes.
this comic is precious haha
She’s short she can’t reach anything higher
Modest is a butt-toucher.
Really tho’ as with all children, you can’t blame her for being curious about anatomy she doesn’t have…. or does she? I mean, she’s snake right up to the hip. The quandary becomes how does *SHE* use the restroom? Is that more like a snake, near the tip of the tail, or like a human, (…)?
Overall, I think I am going to try and not dwell on this much!!!
She uses a toilet as a portal to her home dimension and as a bed, originally.
I’d say she’s going for the wallet.
Not impossible. Anyone who’s ever had kids knows what it’s like to be “dollared” to death. ^_^’
Lunch box! Lunch box!
I see.
Medusaclops? And now I’m imagining eye blasts going every which way at once.