– I’ll be at Geek Girl con in Seattle on the 11th and 12th, and at the Retro Gaming Expo in Portland on the 18th and 19th. Come by and say hi! I may or may not have some new prints to sell.
– Still really digging Destiny. Just made it to level 22! I wish i actually had more free time to play.
– We’re still a bit of a ways away from the end of this season, but I wanted to warn you guys that I’ll be taking a short break before the next season to celebrate the new years, work on a new Ghost Kiss comic (and maybe finish a Pokemon fan comic I wrote last year), finish up my commitment to the 3rd Hereville book for Barry Deutsch, work on the Yeld game Ā and just kind of relax a little. It won’t be a long break, and I’ll still be posting stuff three times a week (including some guest strips and some new vacation comics you guys haven’t seen yet), but I wanted to let you all know the plan ahead of time.
– Patreon! We’re so close to teh $800 MileStone Goal! If you like Modest Medusa please consider contributing. Even small amounts help out, and I wouldn’t be able to do this comic without your support! Here’s the link.
I was wrong whoops
Yes. But it was a nice try.
Well he did eat his clothes off and left him completely naked in the middle of the street in front of Modest and the cops. That has to amount to something.
It helps to be schizophrenic
Did… did he just kill himself? B-b-but, Mr. Toothfacer!! Nooo, he was so nice and sweet and stuff!! He saved you, you ungrateful snake child!!
No, no. He just split his bag and ran away.
Toothy no go boom?
The bag was naught but a shell. Toothy shall live.
Oh, dear. That can’t be good for her self-esteem.
Aww Poor Medusa, being called a moster.
that’s disturbing for a number of reasons
I too tough I was a little boy wen I was 6. Till someone told me I was a spanic boy. I too was shock. I didn’t know there was a difference till someone told me.
I think i’m gonna write a Discovery channel Boomdeyada song parody about Modest Medusa.
It’s always sad when you realise that you’re a monster.
Did modest think she was a human?
Oh Modest, you’re not a monster, you’re an awesome little girl with the body of what could be called a monster by jerks
Baldy’s going to need a bit of therapy after all that.
Where’d his clothes go?
did the toothfacer die?
No. He was mostly made out of bugs, so he just ran off. He’ll find a new bag to live in.
The wannabe kidnapper’s not just still alive but he gets to keep his teeth too! Or at least the ones we can see.
I shall refrain from making a Nightmare Before Christmas reference, and instead sit here and foam at the mouth about Hyrule Warriors.
asdfbaksdjbagvasdgaskb *twitch*
Yeah, I wish I had a WII.
It is pretty spice. Hack’n’slash fun for all ages, and apparently especially that age that doesn’t understand why they find themselves staring at girls. Kekek.
Seriously Team Ninja, just gotta do what ya do to the ladies, don’tcha? And NINTENDO! How are you not screening these character designs?! For all extents and purposes, Ruto looks very much like.. well.. a NUDE WOMAN! Lana is pretty cute, Cia (the main antagonist) is… pretty va-va-voomed. Overall, as a twisted alone gamer-geek… I have no qualms about this, but the game will inevitably be played by kids who own a WiiU.
As for the gameplay. It is like Zelda, meets Dynasty Warriors (Duh), meets Disgaea! Over-the-top is just the tip of the iceberg! Magic Rod and Gauntlet/Ball’n’Chain are my two favorite weapons so far. It is so surreal seeing characters I know like the back of my hand interact with each other or different combinations of “each other.” Just seeing Agitha (The Bug Girl from Twilight Princess) having a discussion with Midna (same title) is just…. weird. The animation is great, the music is fantastic, and while I’ll admit that this isn’t a title I can “binge play” like other games, for a few hours, anyway, it is still a barrel of fun.
To be fair Ruto’s always looked that way, ever since OoT
You should NEVER say that to Modest Medusa! š
All in the eye of the beholder, Modest.
Jake, have you ever thought about doing toys?
Uh huh. I had a deal with a toy company about a year and a half ago, but it didn’t work out. I’m not really sure how to proceed now. I’d love to see some Medusa toys.
I may have an answer for that just got to do a bit of research.
uh oh that can’t be good, but she would of figured it out soon enough
Tooth facer, you dickwad
Modest is a monster too? HOW CAN THIS BE????
So did he leave a pile of teeth behind, cause i didn’t see the bugs carrying them. Also how long would it take for the police to identify all the donors/victims the teeth came from?
Yeah, there’s a pile of teeth, a bag and a ripped up jacket and pants laying there.
Was that Spine looking thing just well stacked Teeth?
No, it was a spine, I guess. I guess he had a tounge and a jaw too. Who knows how that worked?
Someone inform this kid of the Cute Monster Girl trope, stat!
Of course now I wonder who provided the spine and teeth…
I wonder what the cops think about the spine & jaw that were also in the bag. But I can’t help but feel the spine was part of the toothfacer.. we’ve been told he eats teeth, so where did he get the spine? was kinda hoping to see the bugs carry it with them to safety, that it is as much part of it as all the bugs are.
That may have happened.
Jake:It never gets old does it
Charles:It kinda makes you want to..
Jake:Break into song?
Jake:I love my family
Charles:I love to study lakes
Modest:I love my DS
Fans:We love comics he makes
Dragul:I love my whole land. Its such a dangerous place
FaeriesBoom De Yada Boom De Yada
Townsfolk:Boom De Yada Boom De Yada
Gorgon:I love my daughter
Maddest Medusa: I love when things get broke
Chainsaw:I love Medusae
Mermaids:We really love to Smoke!
Jake:I love my home town and it’s insanity
Cops: Boom De Yada Boom De Yada
Gamestop Crew:Boom De Yada Boom De Yada.
Toothfacer:I love to eat teeth
Detective:I love open and shut
Will:I love my kangaroo
Marah: I love to kick some butt!
Fans: We love this comic and all weirdness too
Main Group:Boom De Yada Boom De Yada.
Yeldans: Boom De Yada Boom De Yada
World:Boom De Yada Boom De Yada Boom De Yada…
I really love this!
This needs a video!
Only if we can get Jake Will Marah and Charles for their parts I mentally imagine different people like Minx and Krism for the mermaids but thats me.
Also I may do a sequel like Discovery channel did with the Kickstarter Cameos. But I wamt to go back and reread to do it faithfully.
We need Cryaotic to voice in it too…. the detective, maybe?
I kinda feel sorry for the Toothfacer now. He just wants to go home…
Hehe, translating the pun int the title will be a pain in the A.
I bet,
I doubt I am right but I feel Queen Trauma Snake or what ever you call the snake that grows huge will come out of Modests forhead
They’re in Portland, right? Yeah, Jake, we both know Portland cops would’ve shot Toothfacer and the kid, and sorted things out later.
Very true.