– A bunch of you made fun of the Hand of Autumn’s big flat hat when we first saw her back in this strip. I bet you all feel foolish now that we see that mermaids use these flat hats as shields when boarding enemy ships. Yes, that was totally my plan all along. Don’t you feel dumb now?
– This month my brother nick and I are excited to offer our fourth expansion for the Yeld RPG! Yeld: Quest is a 40+ page source book for solo adventures in the magical land of Yeld! The new expansions contains rules for one player and one game master to play Yeld adventures all by themselves. You can get Yeld:Quest for just $3 by joining the Yeld Patreon!
The Modest Medusa Holiday Sale is back! From now till the end of the year I’m offering a special deal on everything I make! Get Modest Medusa books, coloring books, masks, prints and stickers at a special discount! I’m also offering deals on Yeld stuff! Check out the sale here!
And there’s the use for 100 cigarettes… well, 99 now.
How do you split 99 cigarettes between 5 mermaids?
Give 19 to each of them, and other 4 to the leader.
Sorry to be a hat-breaker, but whatever’s holding it on her head in panel 3 and the handles in panel 4 are obviously different…
Nope, flat hats still look dumb. :p
Sensible? Yes. An actually very smart idea? Definitely. I’m still gonna be laughing my butt off at how silly they look as they slice my throat.
Now those hats make sense. Neat.
I’m still partial to the Kung Lao blade hat.
So, either mermaids have way better neck strength than I thought or those shields are made of enchanted something or other. Also, how do they swim with those on their heads? You would have to wear it on your tail as a monofin while swimming, on your head while climbing, and on your arm in combat?
If they swimm with these shield helmets strapped to their heads underwater they must have the worst imaginable neck, shoulder and head pains. No wonder they are always in such a foul mood.
Rei kind of thoughts it was baseds ons scertain styles ofs Japanese Kasa. The Tsumaorikasa can look *veries* similar. Ors Shiren’s iconics hat, which Rei hasn’t seened narrowed downs to a style beyonds “kasa.”