Posted In: comic
Getting set up in my new studio space is an ongoing process. I’ve slowly been unpacking the essentials so I can get back to work. My cintiq appears to have been damaged in the move, so I’m temporarily borrowing one from a friend. Its a different model, and its taking awhile to get used to. I’m hoping I can fix mine or get a replacement soon.
To quote an Autistic theoretical physicist: I don’t need sleep, I need answers!
You are the Witchblade.
This can only mean…
… she’s Magneto in disguise! Get him!
“It’s Magneto disguised as a teenage girl!”
“No, it’s a teenage girl disguised as Magneto!”
“Get him!”
“Get her!”
“Get them both!”
I was wondering how it was just sticking there under the sleeve..
You know, I was kidding on the last comment thread, but… here we are.
Obviously they need to stab her a few times to see what happens.
By bluetoothing your clothes with each other you’ll never lose your armor plating or your socks again!
“I am Marah of Borg. You will be assimilated. Resistance is futile.”