Posted In: comic
My GoFundMe met and surpassed it’s $350 goal. Thank you all so much! The page is still up and active, and all excess funds raised are going directly toward shipping the books and rewards from my last Kickstarter to my backers who have been waiting months to get them. I know some of you have told me you’d still like to contribute, so I’ll be leaving the GoFundMe active until the end of teh month. Thank you for all your help and support. It’s really appreciated!
All children are really named after Pokemon. Everything else is a nickname.
Can confirm, only my family calls me Alfonso. ^_^
I can also confirm. I know Lickitung.
Waits… then what is Rei an’ Nezumi’s reals names? Can’t bes Rei, or Nezumi, ors Megan. >o.o<
It’s usually short for Megan so Modest is correct. 😉
Well, Meg is often short for Margaret, so it is indeed sort of a nickname.
I thought Meg was short for Megan.
its short for Megatron………………….im a little late to this conversation
Yes, or Megan.
Or Megan.
I thought it was short for “Megan.”
So Modest “knows” Meg’s real name is Ekans?
That makes perfect sense! Those two should have lots of fun in the future…
It’s only the name on her birth certificate. That’s rarely important.
Wait, wait! You mean you have to know someone’s name to sleep over at their house. No wonder I never had a slumber party.
Is it short for Meganium?
It’s short for Megatron.
You guys really are having too much fun with Meg. (It’s Megawatts btw). Anyway, Jake, when do you want your medusa?
Meg Griffin reference! =D
Her “at home” name.
Megane 6.7 ? no just me? Anyway hiii Jake just checkin in. lifes been rough but i’ve still been around for it to be rough to.
Glad you’re still here!
This discussion is frequently funnier than the comic (no offense, Jake!)
On the other hand, I only check Judge Parker for the discussion!
I was originally a Sandslash. By which I mean the name I now wear was originally worn by a Pokémon, before I decided to use it myself.
So I guess that makes me a Sandslash.