This strip is pretty late. I’ve been working on it since Sunday, but I’ve been feeling awful and it ended up taking me days to finish. Hopefully I’ll be doing better on Thursday to work on the next strip.
Medusa, that’s not an ambush. Ambush implied you didn’t have good amounts of warning
He made his own fort, with blackjack and hookers!
Are we counting Charles as hooker?
Charles is blackjack. He only has one hand.
Well, he could get a hook for the other arm…
Hmm. Blackjack AND hooker. Clever
They’re learning a valuable lesson. When you exclude others, they retaliate.
Alas children. You betrayed the aid of someone with greater knowledge and skill than yourselves, and now you suffer the consequences of your hubris.
Modest might eat the darts or her hair will anyway.
Jake knows how to have fun.
This is a nice thing to come home to after almost a week in the hospital 😀
Jake is the best sleepover dad, I swear
Okay, that might be a little too far.
Now that is one VERY itchy trigger finger.
Comic Jake look intimidating in the last panels, and today i realized why. New haircut reminds me of Zangief. 🙂
Ha. If only I could pull that off irl.
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Medusa, that’s not an ambush. Ambush implied you didn’t have good amounts of warning
He made his own fort, with blackjack and hookers!
Are we counting Charles as hooker?
Charles is blackjack. He only has one hand.
Well, he could get a hook for the other arm…
Hmm. Blackjack AND hooker. Clever
They’re learning a valuable lesson. When you exclude others, they retaliate.
Alas children. You betrayed the aid of someone with greater knowledge and skill than yourselves, and now you suffer the consequences of your hubris.
Modest might eat the darts or her hair will anyway.
Jake knows how to have fun.
This is a nice thing to come home to after almost a week in the hospital 😀
Jake is the best sleepover dad, I swear
Okay, that might be a little too far.
Now that is one VERY itchy trigger finger.
Comic Jake look intimidating in the last panels, and today i realized why. New haircut reminds me of Zangief. 🙂
Ha. If only I could pull that off irl.